Choosing Between Neck Liposuction and Neck Lift

Several areas of the body show outward signs of aging more prominently, and one of these for some people is the neck.

Skin, muscle and fat on the neck age just like the rest of the body, but muscle laxity and skin sagging can lead to loose skin and the “turkey neck” appearance that many people regularly seek to avoid.

At Mobley MD, we have multiple services available to help if you’re looking to combat the effects of neck appearance issues. Dr. Mobley performs both neck liposuction and neck lift (platysmaplasty) services, depending on your specific needs — but which is right for you?

Below, we outline the basics of each procedure, plus we give you some simple tips on how to choose which is right for you based on the results you desire.

Neck Liposuction

You may recognize the term liposuction, a surgical procedure that can be used on several areas of the body. Its goal is to remove excess fat with a tube, which is inserted through small incisions to physically suck out unwanted fat deposits.

For the neck in particular, liposuction can be an excellent way to address bands of fat below the chin. These are often the causes of the “double chin” so many people want to get rid of. It’s important to note, though, that neck liposuction only addresses fat itself — it doesn’t do anything for wrinkles, laxity or several other common signs of aging that some people may notice in the neck. For this reason, it’s primarily meant for double chins and neck fat only.

Neck Lift (Platysmaplasty)

Unlike neck liposuction, neck lifts are meant to directly address several signs of aging that may appear on the neck. The skin on the neck can become loose and lax over time, leading to the turkey neck look, but a neck lift is able to reduce many of these effects.

In addition, a neck lift can provide restoration to the jawline for people who need it. This can provide patients a far younger appearance in the jaw and neck area when combined with tightening of skin on the neck.

And finally, it’s important to note that neck lift procedures are closely connected to face-lifts. They may be done together in some cases, but in others, people who think they need a neck lift might actually need a face lift. In any case, Dr. Mobley and our team can advise you on the proper choice.

For more on choosing between neck liposuction and a neck lift, or to learn about any of our facial plastic surgery options, speak to the staff at Mobley MD today.

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