Choosing Proper Timing for a Brow Lift
Aging can impact several areas of facial appearance, and one of the most significant for many people is the brow area. The eyebrows and forehead often show lines, wrinkles or other signs of aging that many people want to get rid of. At Mobley MD, we’re here to help if this is happening to you. […]

Choosing Between Neck Liposuction and Neck Lift
Several areas of the body show outward signs of aging more prominently, and one of these for some people is the neck. Skin, muscle and fat on the neck age just like the rest of the body, but muscle laxity and skin sagging can lead to loose skin and the “turkey neck” appearance that many […]

Debunking Common Dermal Filler Myths
At the offices of Dr. Steven Mobley, we’re happy to offer a variety of dermal filler procedures to our clients. There are several such injectable products on the market, all of which can help you achieve a smoother, fuller facial appearance in several different distinct areas. Unfortunately, a number of major misconceptions have arisen over […]

Basics of the Brow Lift Procedure
Also known as a forehead lift, or together known as browplasty, the brow lift is a common cosmetic procedure. Perfect for people dealing with sagging or drooping in the upper third of the face, brow lifts can help restore the face above the eyes to give you a more vibrant appearance. What are the simple types of brow lifts, […]

At Your Facelift Consultation, Ask These Key Questions
Have you scheduled a facelift consultation? It’s natural to be a little nervous when you first meet with your facial plastic surgeon, but don’t be shy about asking questions — now’s the time to discuss all your concerns. Bringing a list of questions to your appointment can help you get the most out of your consultation. Write everything down before your appointment to help you remember to bring […]

Need Septoplasty? Consider Rhinoplasty at the Same Time.
Patients who need septoplasty— a procedure to correct breathing problems — often ask about getting rhinoplasty, more commonly known as a nose job, at the same time. Is it possible to combine functional and cosmetic nasal surgery? Here at Mobley MD Facial Plastic Surgery, we’re happy to report that the answer is yes, functional surgery and rhinoplasty can be performed during a […]

3 Reasons to Consider Ear Pinning Surgery
Ear pinning surgery, or otoplasty, is an elective, aesthetic procedure designed to reduce or correct the size, position or proportion of the ears. Though most commonly performed on children between the ages of 5 and 10, otoplasty is also an effective solution for appearance-conscious adults. The procedure is safe and offers a high satisfaction rate. In fact, the vast […]

Nasal Reconstruction Using the Forehead Flap Technique
Nasal reconstruction can improve the appearance of the nose and correct breathing difficulties. Often, facial plastic surgeons perform this procedure to repair the nose after skin cancer or trauma. Facial plastic surgeons employ a variety of techniques to reconstruct the nose, but forehead flap surgery is often considered the best method for maximizing both […]

3D Neck Rejuvenation — A New Approach to Neck & Chin Contouring
A 3D neck rejuvenation procedure could be the perfect solution if you want a neckline that’s firmer, smoother and more defined. A revolutionary new procedure created by world-renowned facial plastic surgeon Dr. Steven Mobley, 3D neck rejuvenation offers impressive results that rival those of major facial surgery. And even better, this revolutionary contouring procedure is […]

Rhinoplasty Recovery Timeline: What to Expect After a Nose Job
How long will your rhinoplasty recovery take? Healing time after a nose job depends on several factors, including the surgical techniques used and the amount of reconstruction done. Downtime from a nose job varies, but your facial plastic surgeon will likely recommend that you take a week or two off from work to get through […]
Media Spotlight
Dr. Mobley is a leader in health advocacy across the state of Utah, through his contributions as a medical expert on ABC, his weekly appearances on KSL radio, and through his own patient-focused YouTube channel. Subscribe to us on YouTube to learn more, and to stay up to date with all of Dr. Mobley’s media appearances and features!
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